Stephanie Winston Wolcoff’s account of her friendship and dealings with Melania Trump is sophomoric. God only knows why she stuck by Melania’s side and felt like she was the only one who could “protect” her. Protect her from what? Melania Trump throughout the book never changed her lifestyle. She dressed and acted like the spoiled trophy wife she is! She could care less what the public thinks about her. I think it is Ms Wolcoff who deeply desired to be at the beck and call of a First Lady and she relished the idea of being connected to rich, powerful and famous people. The book, in my opinion, just amplified the shallowness of the Trump administration and the fact that Melania did what she wanted, when she wanted to and as First Ladies go, she contributed less to the country than any of the modern first ladies that preceded her and spent a lot of taxpayers dollars doing nothing. And in the end Ms Wolcoff became yet another “victim” of the Trump Admistration. Sad