It was guys who made lots of money trying to say that the money isn't going to make you happy, and that the stuff that you buy isn't going to make you happy. They're not saying not to become financially stable or complaining that their money didn't make them happy, they're saying that money doesn't make people happy and you can't buy happiness, that less is more, that bigger is not better, and that when they were at the top with everything they could dream of having, they realized that it isn't the top because everything they could dream of having wasn't making them happy. I don't understand why people are saying stuff like, "So basically it's a bunch of privalliged white guys complaining that all the amazing amounts of money that most people can't have didn't make them happy." I mean, those guys who made amounts of money that most can't have are the ONLY people who can say that it won't make you happy. It literally addressed this IN THE DOCUMENTARY. It's a great and I recommend it, please ignore all the people complaining about it.