This is the best show ever👍👍.I think everyone should watch it once🙂🙂.The show's story is on two sisters Divya and Drishti who are blessed with magical powers.They are finding there mother's murder. When pisachani killed there mother divya leaves the hand of her elder sister Drishti👭.After 20 years they met each other. The show has many characters with different powers like pisachani,anjaan,chipakli,patali,lal chakhor kaal devta...etc.It has many twist to turns. Rakshit who is anja an is also blessed with powers.It is the best combination of romance,drama,thriller,brotherhood.The show has a song Jind Mahiya the best song.When I knew that the show will end in September I was very sad.Please come back Divya Drishti.