I definitely have a bias towards Godzilla. I grew up watching them and enjoy every single one of them. That's right. All five good Godzilla movies and the 30+ bad Godzilla movies. But that is with the admitted caveat that I enjoy watching giant monsters fighting and recommend to others with that same caveat in mind. With that said, this is the first Godzilla movie that I would recommend any movie goer to go see. The movie is far from flawless, but what this does give is a decent narrative that actually ties the human story to the Godzilla story in a meaningful way. The way this movie explores the mythos of Godzilla, while not always consistent with other Godzilla movies, is quite intriguing. The jokes, while hit and miss, provide the levity needed more often than not. There is even some genuine emotion portrayed in this film, which is quite a feat. But the meat and potatoes of this film are the monsters and how well they are represented. I have never seen a movie use CG quite as well as this film. The visuals range from great to truly see inspiring. There is a seen with Mothra that actually made exclaim the phrase "OH WOW!!!". I will not pretend that this is the best movie ever made, but it is good. I saw things in this movie done in ways I have never seen in any other. It is a good movie in its own right. But. I will say that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, this is THE best Godzilla movie ever made.