Spoilers ahead on the new Masters of the Universe Revelations. (The direct sequel to the 83 He-Man show). "The Teela Show".
Now that I had time to digest the new show.
It's good, but they are setting-up up Teela to be the new He-Man it seems.
The animation is top notch!
Basically this is a He-Man show without He-Man. It is supposed to be a direct sequel to the 83 show. They dropped He-Man from the title. This is really the Teela show. I believe Kevin Smith said it would be a show for the fans. I have to disagree with that. It's more to appease the modern Hollywood ideals.
Maybe the second half of the series will fix things up, one can always hope.
That's the problem, by the way, its not a He-Man show, it's the Teala and girl friend's power show. We already had that, it was called She-Ra.
I wouldn't be surprised if Teela takes the power sword and becomes "She-Man" by the end.
Maybe she will become the sorceress, as they do hint at her powers.
Only time will tell where this goes, but I wanted a He-Man show and didn't get it.
Just to add after seeing all the negative feedback on the new Masters of the Universe Revelations being woke, here is my prediction on how, if it goes that way by the end of the season.
Teela will become the sorceress as she was always meant to be.
Adam, will step aside as He-Man to replace King Radnor. Or sacrifice himself again.
The sorceress, now Teela will need to select a new champion. That will be the race swapped Andra and she will take the Power Sword. Also, there will be a gay romantic aspect between Teela and Andra.
If it goes this way, I predict that this will be the end of the show.