In response to Sue L.
You sound an awful lot like the Pharisees in The Chosen. So certain you know the age, inclinations and agenda of the Messiah, that literally anyone could be put in front of you and you'd reject it. I'm a bit surprised that you could love that show and still treat your fellow man like enemies. Jesus preached to, consorted with, and saved sinners. It is the sick that require a doctor. Yet you speak with such vitriol about Obama, and netflix, and evil doers. We are all Jesus, in different forms, as he himself said, and so did Mother Theresa. I'm not mad, I don't judge, and I don't presume that I'm the one who really knows and everyone else is wrong. You are Jesus too, and I'm just another flawed human who has interpreted the word to the best of my ability. I haven't finished this show yet. Not even close. I have a feeling I'll notice plenty of misconceptions in it too, but that won't stop me from enjoying it. I won't yell blasphemy, literally like the Pharisees in Sue's favorite show. How about some self reflection people.