a review of a sailing show that is a shipwreck waiting to happen,well it works if you like childish drama between crewmates or just watching rich people get ripped off..basically its Fawlty Towers on the ocean/sea
the crew,well only seen season two....who employed these clowns? who did ref check on that cook,can't even bring myself to call Natasha a Chef..really? had first year apprentice new to the job who have better skills and food knowledge that young lady ,have seen plates return eaten better than the food she was sending out..these guests pay $50-75k for 3/4 days and the leave a 15/20k tip..hahaha
She is a liar lol,she defends her lies with stupid defensive comments like "thats how poached eggs come"....what?? i though bravo had got a show mirror with bondi rescue to save them poorly cooked poached eggs from drowning in that sea of yellow puke she called hollandaise sauce...meh her food was basically a joke to the word..
Capt Glenn,is he on some sorta drugs?how can he be going round with a smile on his face all the time when he is basically the leader of the this
bunch of people who got jobs (by him employing them I guess) because of other things than their experience..Daisy,she tried and felt a bit sorry for her,kudos to her for keeping a straight face taking Natashas food out to guests,I couldn't have done that....ships sinking and the captain is smiling,i'm worried lol