Season 1 started with a promise that we would see family bonding and love 💕 . Acting by all has been great, lead pair, parents, friends, everyone . Season 1 and 2 moved fast , did not drag. By season 3, all those promises were shattered as family is shown to wait for When to pull the plug of life of this son who left his wife and kids for 6 years to bring their family business and everyones' lives together, they could not wait even for a year to push his wife to remarry , partying and all. Really!! All these so called modern women forcing upon their decision on her to accept new man just because he helped them for a year versus someone who fought with everyone and did not love on even after 6 years of separation. Why can't they let her decide? Why is this person who just came out of coma has no support from this heartless family to even regain his memory , who cares, right?? I have some one in family who recovered from coma, it happened because of God's grace, medicine, and exceptional support from family and friends, and after coma, recovery is hard and needs monumental emotional support, that this show completely ignores :-( :-( . Please do not show a mean and selfish face of this family ..