For me I felt like this documentary showed both sides of the coin. It demonstrates the extent of what a person/people in pain or experiencing loss will do to see justice served, in this case specifically it was the mother of the young lady killed, she wanted revenge for her daughters death and she didn't care who she used or what she had to do to get it. She was willing to risk everything, even herself. ...But in the same way it showcased the lack of respect for humanity that gangs exhibit when they are "defending" their territory or retaliating for one of the members of the gang, they don't care who or what gets in the way. There is no respect for life, not even their own. It showed what they are willing to do when they feel betrayed by one of their own. In the end it all catches up with you, you can't escape karma, justice was served, but the mother sacrificed quality of life for herself and her family in the process, (she was in her own mental prison) in the same way those gang members sacrificed quality of life for the choices they made by being in a gang. (most of them went to prison).