This is "show" quite possibly, quite litterally, the worst, most vile thing I have ever witnessed.
I would rather shove my fingers through a mincer until I reach the wrist, while being burnt alive at the stake by diseased mutants then live to watch another minute of this abomination piece of trash excuse for "entertainment".
Every mere second I glimpse upwards from the safety of my phone to see Outlander on my TV, my eyes water, pleading for mercy, in the same way they do when chopping onions.
You would sooner find me offering my first born son to the devil himself in a rural Slavic hut as I am chanting satanic hyms around a burning reversed crucifix then enjoying this show on a cosy Friday night.
Outlander is a sad, sad excuse for a TV show, and a terrible reflection on the intelligence of humanity. To the creators of this show - Shame on you.