This game was the first ever survival/horror video game that I ever played and I definitely did not expect it to be one of my favorite games of all time. It does a lot of things very well: the characters are great, graphics are amazing, atmosphere is creepy, the gameplay of limited inventory space is very well done and promotes very strategic planning of what to pick up and what not to pick up. Mr. X is amazing as well. He makes your second visit to the RPD a hassle and adds another layer of dread to the already scary environment. This game does something very well that other games struggle with: a lot of games can be immersive, but there is something that takes away the immersion (glitches, low graphics, etc.) but this game makes you feel like its way more than a game. It is also great that there are 4 different campaigns to play, adding some spice to your first playthrough. I definitely do not regret giving 100+ hours of my life towards playing this game. Shout out to Capcom to making such a great game and opening up my mind to playing more horror games and definitely more Resident Evil games in the future