I feel the movie was ok. True there needed to be more detail. Family in mourning gets killed! Sad. The fact that Logan had every suspicious antenna especially coming home to a already informed breakin and mom ignoring it was ridiculous! Like somebody was in the doggone house and you don’t know , not from around there and you stay? Sick! I didn’t like that he killed the kid! It hurt my hard for Logan and he tried scared and all to save his mom who he had wished dead. The ending was simple this couple as Martha stated hated open houses and went from open house to open house killing anyone who was hosting one! Straight cray cray mentality! The plumber was the killer when you saw his silhouette in Logan’s room in the dark! When he appeared at the door and said he been there a few times was a hint he was hiding there. The mom caused her and her son death by staying. Chris was killed in his sleep and put in the car ( sick ppl have super strength) the way he beat that mom was sad! I wish Logan could of killed him and moved on. He killed moved on to the next open house to repeat the same acts. Poor logan😢