When Rajendra Kumar refused his mother not to send her, it showed that a mother doesn't give that type of care and love which the only his love can give. This is a different kind of love 😍 and no one can take place... Even he didn't live without her. He didn't get that kind of sukoon which he felt only with her. His love was not a temporary. Temporary love called 'havas'. But his love for her was a pure, didn't want to use her... His intention was good and he felt happy when he was with her. He spent his time with her and with not wrong intentions. I think when someone cares about you, loves you with heart (ruhani love), thinks about you, wait for you, looks with a kindness and love, helps you, make you feel better and comfortable with your life, make you happy, worry about your problems and make things easier for you that's call love ♥️💕.