"Old" is a thriller that follows the story of a group of tourists who find themselves trapped on a secluded beach where they rapidly age and must fight for their survival. The film explores the themes of mortality, time, and the human condition.
One of the significant criticisms of "Old" is that the pacing of the movie is uneven and that the story drags in parts, leading to a lack of tension and suspense. While the concept of the film is intriguing, the execution leaves something to be desired.
Moreover, some viewers have found the dialogue to be clunky and unnatural, which takes away from the overall effectiveness of the storytelling. Additionally, the characters are often one-dimensional, and their development is not fully fleshed out.
Another criticism of the film is that it relies too heavily on its twist ending, which feels somewhat predictable and contrived, detracting from the impact of the story.
Overall, while "Old" has its moments of intrigue and suspense, it falls short in several areas, leading to a lackluster viewing experience for some viewers.