Martha and George are now in the Garbage Media , When Trump was yelling about fake news I didn't see it , over last few months your coverage and supporting of terriost groups burning down hard working people's lively hood , supporting druggies not following police orders instead of supporting police trying to do their jobs , today Martha shouldn't have brought up about annominancely given statements with no fact it was said ,how would she like if someone got on TV saying something about her with no facts ,I voted both times for Oboma and saw how bad of job he did ,he started allot of the problems racially we have today, to get this mess turned around it's going to take things going like Trump , you had guest on carrying on about 400 yrs ago forget it impossible , I can't go back beyond my Grandpa and neither can they but they want pd and free everything and why you media supports this is beyond me ,the Media is ruining this country when it goes Socialism or Communiziam you should take the blame,this is my opinion just like we are watching yours