Bharosa Pyar Tera revolves around the families of two business partners Shaukat Hayat (Mehmood Akhtar) and Ali Afzal. Their professional partnerships takes an unexpected turn when Ali Afzal asks for Shaukat Hayat's only daughter Maryam (Komal Aziz Khan) hand in marriage for his son Mikaal (Adeel Chaudhry). Mikaal had fallen in love with Maryam when he first saw her and wanted to marry her, though Maryam is reluctant about her marriage with Mikaal. Though they get intimate after their marriage and both fall madly in love with each other. Mikaal's cousin Laiba has been love with Mikaal ever since she was little and wanted to marry Mikaal even when she rejected him herself, after Mikaal's mother talked to Laiba's mom for their marriage. Laiba wanted Mikaal to propose to her, because she always thought he was in love with her , but after Mikaal rejected her, Laiba turned it around and made it though it looks like she rejected him to be saved from embarrassment. While at Maryam's house; Adeel (Maryam's brother), his wife, Nida was always jealous of Maryam since she was the family's favourite , was very innocent and she was loved by everyone and had all the attention. Nida had also felt that Adeel gave more attention to Maryam than her. Together Nida and Laiba deceitfully create plans and obstacles and make Maryam and Mikaal's married life difficult. Laiba and Nida make it look like Maryam is having an affair with her university friend Hassan and Mikaal starts losing trust on his wife.
A young girl's struggle to make her marriage work, will Maryam ever be able to gain trust of her husband and her in-laws or will Nida and Laiba continue to put her in a tough situation?