Netflix is at it again. lol
I'm a huge fan of historical documentaries, so when I started this series I expected the show to be a focused history lesson on the atom-bomb and the Cold War. You know, like the tittle suggests. Sure, to it's credit, the show does cover those topics in detail. But you have to endure the pro-Ukraine propaganda inserted into every episode. As well as random moments like when they try to draw a direct connection between Joseph McCarthy and Donald Trump. The show goes into explicit detail about how McCarthy was a dangerous power-hungry demagogue, and then casually mentions that an aid who worked under McCarthy worked for Trump. Hmmm.. I see what you're doing there Netflix. You're not as clever as you think. Now to be clear, I'm not a fan of the mean orange man. But why are we taking random shots at Trump in the middle of a series about the Cold War? That seems a tad bit out of place to me. lol
Really disappointing. It's hard to take a history lesson seriously if I have to wonder about the integrity of the information being presented to you. If it's being filtered through a political and idiotically lens of bias.