I have been disappointed this season. The first show after the election featured Kellyanne Conway. Really???? I was so happy to know that I wouldn't have to see or listen to these people hopefully ever again that I was surprised and upset with the choice. Why not Katie Porter? Bill has also been acting like we don't need to worry about Covid any more. He is not realizing that we do not all live the way he does. Most of us don't have his money and ability to stay away from the general public. I worked in hospitals for over 43 years. Bill needs to put himself in their shoes at the very least. His rants about obese people are also not necessary. You don't know what they have been through in their lives. You don't know how much genetics plays a part. Healthy foods cost more money. Maybe they work 3 jobs and come home exhausted with fast food dinner in a bag. I think Bill needs to be less judgmental and have more productive conversations. I feel like Bill has been swinging more to the right.