Your biased presentation of CO-VID 19 on 4/26/20 was appalling. Why do you feel the need to tear down an individual because of a virus that was non existent before now. This is like being asked to walk into a dark room that you have never been in before and go find the needle in the haystack!
No one, not all the scientist in the world are able to decipher the genetic make up of this virus. To blame one person for what has happened to the US on one individual, namely the president, is absolutely ridiculous and small minded.
Now is the time to show our strength through kindness, understanding and forgiveness.
Yes it is sad that so many people are sick and dying but we need to stand together and support our leadership. I don’t think anyone in charge of our nation at this time could have done any better.
Don’t make this into a political platform for Democrats and Republicans.
Thank you and God bless America!
Linda D’Angelo