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It attempts to portray itself as some sort of intellectual, hard thinking show.
And yet it's the complete opposite.
Wouldn't recommend wasting your time watching the first episode.
Prime Target
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Social media of any kind, including Facebook, is a bane on humanity and needs to be shut!
The Power of One: How I Found the Strength to Tell the Truth and Why I Blew the Whistle on Facebook
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Action scene are good and keeps you on your toes.
The Terminal List
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One of the most enlightening books I've read in a long time. Props to Witness J for getting through what he did.
Here, There are Dragons
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One of the best games I've ever played. A new step in the modern warfare franchise.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
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Season 3 ends with the biggest cliff hanger. Hope to see more of this tv series.