I like the plot, it's unique but still also acts as a nice reboot.
What was definitely missing was character development, you neither root for or against the good or bad guys but actually you may possibly end up rooting for the bad guys because of how little they developed max the kid, he just seems a little brat at times.
The bad guys were a little more developed which is why you root more for them but the acting was terrible, at times it seems overacted.
I believe they are actually good actors but they seem to overdo everything and it's comes off very cheesy.
Had there been a little more time and more budget attributed to it then this could have been a great film even using the same actors.
But overall I would say go into this film knowing that it's cheesy comedy and if ignore the previous movies.
Although I do like the little nods to the original.
I think they should have made Kevin the bad guy, well not bad guy but the intruder, old gen taking on the new gen.
He could have been testing out his new alarms systems