(Spoiler free)My favourite animation movie which I never watched again.Why? Because it is the most depressing movie you'll ever find in cinematic history.From the very first dialogue this movie encaptures your heart and you will feel like this movie is playing with your emotions.As the movies moves on you'll feel like why I began watching this...Oh God,this is playing with my emotions.I bet most of you'll cry in the opera scene.
Isao Takhata tried a amazing way of screenplay.Believe me forget Pixar, this is Studio Ghibli.
Conclusion - You know why this is rated 8.6 in IMDb but I say that this should be rated atleast 9.So why, this is not rated 9 because this is tooooooo much depressing.
Lesson I learn --- Love your family, value of food and atleast however situation is bad in your life it is not that much worse as in the times of World War.