So you will go this far? We asked for a respect in our beliefs because they asked for a respect in their beliefs of marrying anyone you want, and this is what they're gonna give us in return? Where’s the respect and understanding we asked for? We have the right what to believe in, u have the rights what to believe in. Yes we’re all in each other throats once in a while but can we set that aside and just focus on what’s going on now? Yes some force you to accept God, which is wrong cause we do not have the rights to force you into things. A bible even exclaimed we cannot force you into religion, but what some of you do in return? Force other people to change their sexuality, throw paints at the faces of the stone figures of the Bible, saying “its a speech of freedom” but when we say something its a preach of hate? Beating an old man who’s just reading a Bible on his own and sharing it to someone who asked cause the person was curious? There’s no respect here, its hate, not love, no understanding but a selfish acts to get what you want in a wrong way. Is this what you want to show a child? A hate act? Abusing your rights to have rights? I know that some of you are also against it but some probably jumping in joy. The audacity Netflix, you want respect? You need to earn it first.