This is a rip-off of Avatar: The Last Airbender, which is ONLY the greatest show OF ALL TIME! Let me explain:
1. "Earth, Fire, Air, Water. Long ago, the four elements lived in harmony. That is, until Fire Nation attacked." The title sequence of this show totally copied ATLA's title sequence (The part above is a piece of it. :)), from the elements each demonstrating their abilities to the 'Fire Nation' rip-off attacking.
2. The elements go missing! Sound familiar? AANG WAS MISSING FOR ONE HUNDRED YEARS.
3. Flamo is an obvious rip-off of my Zuko (Except that the scar is on the 'Fire Lord' instead. LITERALLY. He has a scar in the EXACT SAME PLACE AS ZUZU.) Raindrop is Aang, Shao Yen is Katara, the monkey dude is Sokka, and Earth Girl is a poor, less sassy version of Toph, but instead of being blind, SHE LOOKS LIKE A BLOCK!!!
4. Flamo's redemption arc. Is. A. Copy. Of. ZUKO'S! I am passionate about this, Zuko is so amazing, and he was a complex character to begin with. Flamo... Eh. He just spontaneously was like, 'Hey, Ima be a good guy because, well, PLOT CONVENIENCE.
5. Guys, if you're watching this, I beg you. Get Netflix. Netflix has both Avatar and its sequel, Legend of Korra. (Prince Zuko, I'm begging you.)