My son has been watching this show since I came across it on YouTube when he was maybe 3 months old? It was the visuals then for him and as he grew older he followed along, loves the show and goes nuts when he sees Little Star and Bobo White. He knows the characters so well now that we look out the window at bedtime to say good night to Moon. It really is an adorable show, I’d rather listen to a marathon of Cloudbabies over Peppa Pig any day lol. One comment was posted that they think the show is racist bc all the clouds are white (well, Uhh…science and reality maybe?) and Bobo is a growing baby and hasn’t formed a personality to identify by like the Baba’s do…I can’t believe I can actually refer to an episode of this to show they have identities or that I’m killing enough time to comment about this posters accusations of racism, but one episode displays how Baba Pink is a bit of a control freak and assigns work tasks on a chore chart and obsessed with what everyone’s job is, but her own. My god, the episode literally just come on as I’m typing this. 🙄 Circling back to my point…When Bobo is bigger like the other Cloudbabies, he would be a Baba. And how do you say one second that the rainbow is gay bc of his accent like it matters and point it out like they are trying to low
Key hide a gay character? What does it matter? So what? Do they treat Rainbow any differently? No. So what if the character is gay, straight, bisexual, whatever-sexual? The show is made for an age group that maybe we should just let them be so they too can become Baba’s with their own identities. It makes my kid smile and interested in all things in the sky like the planets and stars, so I’m okay with this show. Shame it was a short run.