This show is very great and here are some good ways (some bad sorry) to prove!
good- well first the episodes and Characters are very good with each individual personality that expresses there appearance.Some episodes you cannot skip are Nose job part 1&2 , London we have problem part 1&2, Dante's inferno&the better de vil you know, and of course de vil wears puppies part 1&2 since there major to the plot.In A summer to remember Pt. 1&2 and Curse of the Ferry Dog the song in the beginning for A summer to remember is pretty good and catchy and of corse the song in The curse of the Ferry Dog is pretty good,also the ending for the show was very good Cruella goes to jail also Hunter turns good which I'm also disappointed since he did'ent come with the dalmations but at least he still turned good and when he confronted himself to the pups was also very good twist in the show since he did'ent want the puppies to die
Bad-Yeah sorry for bad but there are some things in the show that aren't good like the art style for the humans...heck I don't even want to discuss the fact that the animals look better than them,and puppy dreams part 1&2 is really a terrible ep. Since it's just a bunch of short films.the way Cruella was made it's no just no some parts she is in is very disturbing like when she accidentally got sucked into the machine and when she was fighting the parents and her face it's just no but overall those parts where just kind of to disturbing for me even
Favorite Characters- Well my personal favorite characters had to be Dizzy&Dede, Hunter, Depack, Dawkins,triple D, and Da Vinci,since well I just like them!
Favorite Eps-My favorite episodes had to be well first the important episodes (scroll to the good section to find it) and some other ones like Curse of the Ferry dog and Summer to remember part 1&2
Well hope you have read this so bye!