I must have said this a million times … best series I have ever seen … this time I mean it! Many reviewers have heaped accolades on the actors and the production and rightly so, but I am gobsmacked at this stunning storyline, the characterization, and the unique depths many long dialogue exchanges deliver. I can engage with the characters, I can get to know their inner thoughts, their philosophical strengths and weaknesses, their raison d’être. No small feat – this is a master class in scriptwriting / screenplays. An intellectual, if I may use this word, understanding of the history, the events, the lives, and this “thinker’s” dynamic gives so much added value, holds the course throughout, and is so much more a fully-fledged pirates’ banquet than the shallow and lightweight Hollywood hors d'oeuvre of yesteryear. (No offence Captain Blood!) To the 16 writers … I tip my pirate’s hat.