I actually read this book so others won't be subjected to this pandering of urbanites.. I've lived in both rural and urban areas; the latter currently as am attending college.
The book goes into depth about cities being the epicenter of culture and that people living in metropolitan areas are oppressed by the people living in rural areas and not just any people "whites" are behind it all.
From my personal experience it's the major cities that determine State law and policy; we desperately need a State Electoral College, as we're edging closer and closer to "tyranny of the majority" as coined by Alexis De Tocqueville.
The constant crying out for "our" democracy, is getting extremely worn out. What those people are really saying is it's only a democracy if you vote the way they do; not only that, but if you don't you're ignorant (at best) and need to be saved from yourself.
I wouldn't take political advice from someone who writes a book intentionally driving a wedge between people, let alone someone who doesn't know how to change a tire.