I don't even know how to begin explain the problems i have with this game. People bagging on the inclusion of lgbt+ elements on the game, who cares, muscular women and transgender people, who cares, these are elements i fully believe could be expressed in the game and not be pushed as a political statement, it didn't feel like one to me. But the world was destroyed, throughout the first game your character is established firmly, your backstory, your thoughts, your feelings, as Joel you were given a firm foundation of character and setting, in the first game you felt like joel, all your mistrust, all your fear, and eventually your love for ellie, you were joel. But the second game didn't care what you wanted and that's the problem, I didn't want to beat up ellie as abbie but i was forced to, i didn't want to hunt down and kill owen and mel but i was forced to. This is a video game and there will always be choices made for you no matter the game or genre. But in the first game the choices you made were the choices you wanted. At the start of the game i would have sacrificed ellie for the world, but by the end i would have killed anyone and everyone just so she could live. You built a solid beautiful home. And then you did it again under the assumption you knew how to make the perfect house but you didn't. This game doesn't deserve a 5 star rating but it doesn't deserve 1 star. But Naughty Dog, you hurt me as a person by not letting me grow as one this time.