Well these things won't happen until the tribulation period and if you understand the book of Revelation the rapture of the church will come first that's when the world of chaos will happen after. The first 3 and a half years the Antichrist will seem like a peace maker, an answer to the world, but the next 3 and a half years the Antichrist will claim himself to be the promised messiah and will preform miracles, be killed and will rise again on the 3rd day. The Antichrist will force people to worship him by taking the mark of the beast on their forehead or right hand, anyone refusing to take his mark will be put to death, you will not be able to buy or sell or be hospitalized without his mark, anyone who takes his mark will be doomed to hell. If anyone lives through this tribulation will see the second coming of Christ when he battles the armies of the earth at Mount Megiddo, then Jesus Christ will set up his kingdom on earth for a thousand years and Satan will be bound for a thousand years, but if you do not want to go through these tribulations then you might want to go in the rapture the first time because God's Holy Spirit will not be here to help you. Seek God's word for answers, pray because God still has a plan for the United States, president Trump will be back soon, watch the prophet Mark Taylor, he saw the steal of the election but Biden will not be their for long, things are happening in AZ where I'm from keep an eye on AZ.