After aladdin this movie was a massive disappointment just like me to my parents this movie, it just felt soulless, like a money grab, and i know what your thinking this is disney we are talking about, they would never make any greedy moves and have always has the viewers best interest in mind. This movie really lacks in the fight scenes while the others were action packed this one is not. I personally hated when obi-wan kenobi defeated master chief in a 1 on 1 dual. master chief deserved a much better death then that. I also hated the decision to make harry potter gay. i'm all about gay rights and stuff in fact my good friend tanner is gay, however its very awkward to watch harry and franklin the turtle make out for 3 “straight” minutes of the movie. Spoiler alert for this next part as it is near the end but is very much worth noting. The final scene when donald trump is riding godzilla into the sunset after he used him to destroy iran in WW3 had some awful cgi, it was embarrassingly bad.