I really liked that though this is somewhat of a comedy, the show deals with the more serious overtones very wellend I caught myself crying more than once. I’ve seen a lot of people upset over the fact that it’s not completely accurate, but I don’t really see the point in being upset over that since 1. In the title card it says that it’s not always accurate yet some people were still surprised and 2. Just because it isn’t the most accurate doesn’t mean it can still be enjoyed. There were a lot of twists I didn’t see coming and I very much enjoyed those. It also seems like, though we’re rooting for them, the “good guys” don’t do what is right all the time and have moments where I’ve gotten mad at the things they’re done which I think was very realistic and a good thing to have to make a strong character. This may be more personal but I really liked how Catherine wasn’t over written as an overly polite, always-super-nice character. In the first half of the season there were times I expected her to do things like offer servants help in their chores and whatnot like in a Disney princess movie. Though she is polite and has empathy, it reflects an more accurate class division and reflects that she is the empress and they are servants and it was a good choice considering the time period. Maybe it’s just me but I thought it was a good decision. I never found the story to be dull or flat in any way and though the comedy is mostly vulgar, it mostly got a laugh from me. I can tell a lot of care went into the cinematography, wardrobe and setting, it captures the time period perfectly and was just really aesthetically pleasing and beautiful to look at which I think everyone can appreciate.