I have read a number of Mark Haddon's books and short stories: Curious Incident; A Spot of Bother; The Red House; The Pier Falls; all great reads which is why I was keen to get my teeth into The Porpoise. Not literally, that would be weird...... I think this is the most disappointed I have ever been with a book. I wanted it to be good; and the annoying factor is that there is the potential for a great story. There IS a great story. But it's hidden in waffle and vanity. I felt as though I was not intelligent enough to enjoy his random wanderings from one time zone to another; from fact based fiction to whatever the hell the rest of it is, and a disgruntled and unforgiving part of me feels that is Mr Haddon's intention for the reader to be in awe of his magnificence. I just got bored. The book starts out at a cracking pace and delivers characters that; while you may not actively care for them (there is a strange lack of emotional attachment even when people are dying horribly and suffering immeasurably) you will develop an interest in what happens to them because the story line is interesting. Then it all becomes very confusing. I found myself skimming over large chunks of the unnecessary filler to try to find news of the characters established within the first few chapters. In the end, I just read the last three pages which gave me an element of closure. Potential for a great story hampered by the author's desire to show us all how clever he is. And if I may deliver this as a written stage whisper (not possible but I like the idea): "I think a lot of other people who have read this and given it five stars feel the same but are too worried about looking stupid to give an honest review". I have no such fear, I look stupid for a pastime. So disappointed.