I think what Don said was somewhat wrong but I do agree in some form. The fact still remains that there are a lot of immigrants that expect and demand to be respected but they will not respect our veterans.
As a Canadian I love the fact that we are all here as one, no matter where we are all from, but I expect that if you are going to chose this beautiful country as you home I would ask that you show the respect our veterans deserve.
I strongly believe that politicians are going too far just to buy a vote. As an immigrant my self I came here, I respect what has always been a Canadian tradition and if you feel offended because I said “God Bless you” or Merry Christmas “ than that’s your problem. Why should this change. This is going too far !
Having said this I think Don was out of line and he could have said it in a non offensive way. I feel bad he had to go, he has been a huge part of hokey night in Canada.
I hope I haven’t offended anyone it was not my intentions.