If you like the Ramones, Teenage Head or Teenage Bootle Rocket then you will like Real Sickies from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Out Of Space is a straight forward punk Rock record that brings forward the influences of the bands mentioned, especially Ramones and Teenage Head. Real Sickies add a bit more texture to some tracks as they bring forward some added depth to the songs by inserting some keys. Overall a great fast paced album with memorable choruses and riffs that will keep you humming the songs long after hearing them.
Solid album from start to finish - stand out tracks for me are Starry Eyes, It's Been A While, Psycho Hop, Forgot To Let Go &
Should note that if you want digital copies of this album since they only release their songs on digital or vinyl format, you can visit their page on band camp and pay to download the mp3's (also saw most of their albums on iTunes).