While there are definitely places to improve the movie overall was great. Many people tend to forget that every movie has its flaws rather it be acting or setting. Great movies that bring a fresh plot should be valued not told it’s bad due to possibly new actors ‘poor acting’ think about it most people who left a comment are probably not from Thailand therefore the English version is much different, the words, and even expressions appear differently than they would in the original version. The movie is a horror movie but not the kind of slasher we have been accustomed to, it’s more psychological since we follow the main characters in their journey to unravel the truth that has been kept for 15 years. It depicts two teens named pim and putt, their mom and grandparents. When the mom is hurt they must stay with their grandparents, however strange things begin happening, soon they learn their grandmother killed their older sister by feeding her rat poison, and their mom shot their dad when she believed it was his fault. The grandmother gets killed by her husband and pinya the little girl hums a lullaby to her sister. The whole truth has been revealed about the family, the only innocent ones was the children whom suffered due to their parents And grandparents. Poor pinya died, pim and putt survived but grew up without a dad and finally learned shocking and horrible secrets.