The on-screen relationship between Jones and Murray was heartwarming and funny but often sexist, just like the plot. And if it wasn't for shots of the wedding, I wouldn't have realised Wayans and Jones were married. Their chemistry was forced, but not in a way that represented a struggling marriage. It was forced to the point where you wondered if there had been a single rehearsal in the lead up to filming.
Sexist lines were barely confronted and left me feeling uncomfortable. But the most annoying thing? Many of the questions raised about the husband's behaviour are left unanswered. SPOILER ALERT - we never find out where he went that night with Fiona in the taxi.
I felt frustrated and upset by the story. According to this film, men's brains are still in their pants and women are forever destined to be objectified and forgotten. I give this film 2 stars because at least I somewhat enjoyed the father-daughter conversations.