The anime started out good but it just kept getting more and more boring. i don’t recommend to watch this anime it was a waste of time the manga is slightly better. the mc is so basic and boring it makes no sense for her step brothers to fall for her. and there was just too many step brothers where some of them barley got scene time which made me a bit sad. the plot was kinda slow like they all got a tad closer but not really romantically at the end of the season so i was disappointed. it felt rushed in a way where the anime felt uncompleted like a puzzle piece was missing. there was barley any screen time with her just hanging out with just ONE brother. the plot is basic/not even really a plot, characters are basic, not really any backstorys, no plotwists or shocking moments, etc. just a very basic anime, maybe even worse. i only finished the anime hoping the ending would make up for it but the ending was trash. the show kinda ignored them being siblings and made the brothers think it was 100% ok to fall for her. some scenes made me uncomfy. the only kinda good parts was the very beginning end when they were on their little “vacation.” i’ve been watching anime for years and this anime is not even in my top 100