This movie was a mess. That's really all it is, is a mess. Watching it, it didn't even feel much like a Star Wars movie, because Rian Johnson tries to throw in real-world political stuff that's blatantly obvious (The Cantobite scenes). Here are some issues I had with this movie.
1: This was the first time in an actual movie we ever hear about ships having fuel (it's mentioned a couple of times in Clone Wars and Rebels, but other than that, it's gotten hardly any attention in the canon universe), and that pretty much is one of the main plot drivers of this movie. This also throws off the pacing of the movie quite a bit, and it felt quite slow at times.
2: Leia should've died. Carrie Fisher died in 2016, about a year and a half before this movie released. Having her get sucked out into space would've been the perfect way to end Leia's story. But instead, Rian Johnson decided to keep her alive, and leave a real problem for the directors of TROS.
3: I can't leave it off of here. The final battle of this movie between the remnants of the Resistance and the First Order was cool and all, but fundamentally flawed. For starters, what was the Resistance hoping to do to a fleet of AT-ATs on steroids with a couple speeders that didn't even have guns?
4: Luke. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Luke's character was greatly betrayed in this movie. I had high hopes when I saw the opening battle of this movie for the first time, but when I saw Luke literally throw his lightsaber behind him, I instantly realized that I was in for a bumpy ride. Luke doing that with his lightsaber was basically just a giant FU to the fanbase, and one of the many things people hate about this movie. Also, Luke is made out to be a mean old grouch in this movie, which doesn't really seem to be him.
Overall, I didn't really like this movie. I enjoyed bits and pieces of it. I liked that Rian Johnson tried to introduce some things from legends into this movie, to make them canon. I actually loved that. The visuals were beautiful, and the action scenes were fun, if a bit flawed. Overall, this movie has good aspects, but those little aspects are just no substitute for a good story and consistent pacing.