I didn't like the show years ago but I now enjoy watching. The show on October 13, 2021 was so familiar. My granddaughter has a boyfriend who lives with her. He has a10 year old from his first marriage. That kid on the show and his son are so much alike. His mother took him to the emergency room and they were going to keep him for psychological testing. But they sent him home with his mother. His parents were told he does his acting out, rudeness just for attention. I think he knows that if he asks up he WILL get his way. My granddaughter does the the best she can to control him. She will take things away but that doesn't faze him. She sends him to his room or won't let him have someone to spend the night. She tries to let him help her cook meals, do puzzles together or play cards and games with him. I'm really am interested to see what your advice will be.