Deception Point by Dan Brown is one of those page turners that you read on a long trip to keep yourself occupied. That is not to speak ill of it's merits, it has all the working of an excellent thriller, starting off with a mysterious and astonishing act of malice to hook the reader, then he introduces us to the main players one by one at a decent pace, reeling us into their world. And soon enough the inciting incident takes place, placing our protagonist in the thick of a conspiracy that unravels and spirals out of their control. there are many twists, many flashbacks, many more curious breadcrumbs leading to the resolution.
Reading this book is like passing through a storm, plagued by a constant sense of dread and intrigue. right up until the moment the explosive resolution is delivered. Then there is the calm after the resolution, that comes with a new status quo, giving the reader a satisfying conclusion to the tumultuous events taking place in the span of just a few days.
Overall a really satisfactory read when and if you have time on your hands. Dan Brown delivers like always.