Just watched Come and See. Almost wish I hadn't. I believe this is the most harrowing movie I've ever seen. If that sounds like I'm being negative about the movie, I'm not. If such a film of such absolute brutality can ever be said to be beautiful, then this is one beautiful film. The fresh-faced and naive teen protagonist looks like he's seventy years old by the end of the movie, with good reason. This movie is such a difficult watch that I found myself hoping that it exaggerated historical events, but all the while I knew better. The things that the despicable Nazi Einsatzgruppen did in the eastern Soviet Union during WW2 are literally beyond exaggeration. And anyway, the director inserts a few brief snippets of historical black-and-white film footage towards the end to reassure the watcher that yes, he was seeing actual events. The final title card makes it even more plain, in that during the war "628 Byelorussian (Belarussian) villages were burned to the ground by the SS, along with all their inhabitants." And if you don't want to see that, you should avoid this movie like the black plague.