Clichéd and overblown marketing exercise for Sony and Nissan (and others) that attempts to tick every box.
I thought we'd progressed past the weird drone sequences and half-second shots of feet hitting pedals, hard stares across to the opposition, sudden snatched gear changes and repeated exhortations of 'you got this'.
The dialogue is risible but spells out every step of the plot so the 12 year old viewers don't get confused.
Performances are average at best (Orlando Bloom has obviously hit hard times), the team boss does his best.
The main lead and fairly shallow family characters lack any depth and the romantic interest left me cold.
Some shots of racing tracks and fluttering flags were accompanied by a caption which was handy because they could've literally been anywhere in the world....and again, the race commentators encapsulate what stage the plot is at for those struggling to keep up.
A crash sequence is handled quite well. That's about it.