Let me start with I don't usually watch horror movies, but I'm starting to. I also only watched this movie because the main character is my favorite wrestler of all time. Overall, I liked it, it was slow but it was very Gorey, Laughable, cringe worthy, interesting, and it made me blush at times. Towards the end I started watching through my fingers because I don't like jump scares. My husband didn't like it but honestly I can't wait to watch it again when I'm on my own. The only thing that made me sad as a fan of Phil Brooks was watching him drink and smoke when I grew up watching him stand by his straight edge lifestyle. I grew up with Alcoholic parents so watching him stay strong to that choice to say no helped me stick to my plan to not follow in my parents addictions. But overall, I like the movie a lot. I hope I can see Phil in more films soon.