I absolutely loved the cars movies except for the second and third.
When I was a kid lightning McQueen was my hero, and I’ve watched cars so many times that I basically memorized the plot (note- I mostly memorized this when I was like three). When I watched the second one later I didn’t like it but I didn’t hate it because it was to random, and when the third came out I couldn’t hate it more. Ok, I know that Movie sent a great positive message about women and stuff, but I wanted to see lighting McQueen not some random lady car. Like I could literally not care less about that random car, and it’s not because she’s a women, I also wouldn’t care if it was a man.
Even when lightning crashed, with all his money he could have easily gotten a new engine.
When they did that scene that was supposed to be all cool when he got new paint, I was really excited because I thought the movie was going somewhere and he was getting a new engine, but all that happened was he got some new paint. Disney had a great opportunity to give lightning a fresh start but he just sucked and couldn’t finish his race.
This movie would be like Michael Phelps goes for a final race like when he’s seventy, but when he jumps into the pool he sinks to the bottom and drowns. In this analogy McQueen is Michael. It was also like rocky 5.
In the end I would give this movie a 1 out of 5 because it simply sucked. I literally watched my childhood hero get butt kicked at his own game and then quit. In movies when a hero gets butt kicked he’s supposed to jump back and win but lightning didn’t he just let some random character that no one cares about take over, also in reality a C6 corvettes still a pretty nice car, with good performance and it would race in a different division than those super cars if it was 2017 or 18. Plus if lightning really wanted to race he could have easily become a street racer, or he could have gotten upgraded.
I hated this movie, and Rolling stone only gave it a two because they were being polite.
If you are a fan of McQueen don’t watch it, because it’s a waste of time.
I read some other reviews and I couldn’t tell if those who like it were being sarcastic or they were just stupid. If I could I would give this movie a -∞ (negative infinity) because the more I think about it it gets worse.
Ps. I’m sorry for my grammatical errors and not using Cruz’s name I was to lazy and I forgot her name at the time, that shows u how little I care about her. No offense.
Ps.s, the positive reviewers are just a group of the least intelligent people on this earth, with no sense of understanding, or common sense. Oh, I accidentally just described millennials. JK, I’m a millennial to but I’m a more like a early gen x