A massive fumble of what had the potential to be a really dark, atmospheric, maybe even harrowing film with elements of body horror. I have followed this franchise since August 2014 with the release of the first game. The repeated fan service does not make a good film and in this case feels like desperate attempts to win viewers over in the middle of what is otherwise a sloppy and confused narrative. It doesn’t matter if I know the reference, because that reference sits inside a messy or even pointless scene every time. Choosing a PG-13 rating over R was also harmful and prohibits the film from showing the really gruesome reality of the story. The script feels like a first draft and the animatronic characters are implemented in baffling ways. Disappointing but not surprising. And unfortunately, not so bad it’s fun. To it’s credit, the cinematography is solid and the animatronics look alright until they start moving.