I have mixed feelings about this show, one moment I'm into it and the next I'm not, I will say I've enjoyed most of it but I'm really unhappy with the characters portrayal, for one Robin and Star-fire are basically babysitters for Raven and Beast boy, another thing is Star-fire just isn't a believable Star-fire and I came into the show wanting her too be but I just don't buy it, another thing the "evil" side of Raven comes off as cringey and not in the way the show wants it to be, I often find myself laughing rather then actually being intimidated or concerned, another big problem I have is that I feel as if the show is trying to hard to be convincing and dark, granted there is comedy relief and that's Beast Boy and some chemistry between Robin and Star-fire here and there but it overall just fails to captivate me when it comes to the serious plot points.