I am a fan of the original trilogy. The prequels were too plastic while the real three are rusted iron the way they should be. The new ones are ok for what they are but seem to ignore the fans at times and the true mythology is longed for. Ep 8 spent half the movie on nonsense and unless ep ix somehow pulls off a true miracle the sequel trilogy will truly be a disappointment overall. I may feel overjoyed in a few days I may be the opposite. I reserve the right to edit my review after watching Ep ix. After all truth is truth and perspective is perspective point of view ahem... Ep ix may the force be with it. I hope I am blown away by it I hope it is meaningful. If it somehow satisfying and emotional and a true star wars film I shall return. UPDATE: I saw the movie and actually thought it was well done while no movie is perfect it wrapped things up really well with some things just beneath the sand to set something up for the future. It's a definite must see. Ignore the critics.