Moxie is a thought provoking movie in many ways. It’s objective, which is to bring awareness to the idea that revolution can be started through anyone, as well as the increasing need for the feminist voice to be heard, was made clear throughout. The acting was stellar, and the effects were great.
As a feminist, however, there were parts of the movie that disturbed me. The glaring model that men are villains irked me. Why is it that nearly every man in the movie had to be an a**hole? And even the two that weren’t, the protagonist blew up on. Fortunately, majority of men do not have a problem respecting women. It is inaccurate and unfair to portray the girls as always right, especially when they absolutely did make some reckless mistakes.
Moxie is a revolutionary movie. I loved watching it. Was it a bit misleading and holey? Absolutely. Was the resolution a bit too cheesy to be real? Yes. Still, Moxie has potential. I support.