Ghost Recon Breakpoint has a lot to offer, and it would have even more potential if it would not be so contaminated with bugs and glitches. Overall it’s beautiful designed with all the gorgeous landscape, and of course it’s fun to discover all the corners and most remote places on the map with any kind of vehicle you can find (most preferred of course a helicopter). After a while of course the game is getting repetitive as usual with the UbiSoft Formula, but I’m used to that. I’m an Assassins Creed fan since the beginning, so that’s not my main critic. If glitches and bugs only are wilde deer’s running into a stone wall and get stuck there, or a enemy lift 30 meters into the air spinning around like crazy till you sniper him, well that’s fine, kind of amusing and you find this in almost all the games out there. However, if those bugs interfere with your game flow, that’s inexcusable. I give you an example; there is a mission you have to liberate a captain and transfer him to an extraction point. As soon you get him free, the extraction location appears on the map. Then you stow him into a vehicle, and the extraction location disappears from the map. If you don’t remember we’re it was on the map or you have set a pin before it disappears, you have a hard time to find it. So, I restarted the mission from its last save point, and this time I walked the guy to the extraction location (about 2.9 km), just to be save. On the way, I crossed a little creek, and I got stuck there with this guy holding in a headlock, even the creek was not even 1 foot deep. No matter what I tried, there was no way to get out of it!! I had to start over again. This kind of stuff is really frustrating and freaks you out!!! UbiSoft should have invested a bit more in that game to get rid of stupid bugs like that. Sometimes I wonder if the same company has actually developed Assassins Creed with its very smooth gameplay...